Take charge of your birth
One of my missions as a birth doula is to provide just, equitable care for my community. Recognizing that there are health disparities and social oppression, I provide sliding scale payments over a period of four months. Sliding scale payments are provided depending on availability and need. Please contact me to see if you qualify!

Birth Planning and Postpartum Planning Sessions - $175
Prepare for your birth and postpartum recovery with the help of a doula with a four week course. Learn what is available to you during birth and enhance the relationship between you and your support partner.
Birth Planning Session - Comfort Measures Session - Partner Support Session - Postpartum Planning Session
Full Childbirth Education Course - $375
Prepare for your birth by taking a seven week childbirth education course. We will work one-on-one to explore the process of childbirth and comfort measures that will support your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Learn what is available for you to integrate during labor as well as enhancing the relationship between you and your support partner. Discuss tools to help new mama relax, recharge, and reset during the postpartum period. We will go over support mapping, meal planning, baby-feeding and postpartum recovery. Have flexible scheduling that works around your clock.
Note for Mercy Birth Center patients: This class is an approved birth class that meets the requirements for both a full class or refresher class.
Pregnancy Check-Ins - Labor Education Session - Birth Planning Session - Comfort Measures Session - Partner Support Session - Postpartum Planning Session - Newborn Care Session - Preparing for Breastfeeding Session - Cesarean Birth Planning Session - Follow Up Session
Cesarean birth class - $60
Normalize your cesarean birth by discussing the procedure, recovery, and birth plan options. Learn what is available to you and how to enhance your cesarean birth experience. Discuss your mental health in the postpartum period post cesarean birth. Create your birth plan one-on-one, with the help of a doula.
Planned Cesarean Birth Doula - $750
Feel confident and secure in your cesarean birth plan with the help of a doula to advocate for your needs in addition to emotional and physical pre-op and recovery support. Have a gentle and beautiful birth by easing the transition as you welcome your baby. Feel cozy as your doula brings peace and calm visually in your room where you will spend 2-4 days recovering. We will support you by meeting you at the hospital when you arrive for your planned cesarean. Additionally, have a doula support you post cesarean birth for six hours in the immediate postpartum period which includes feeding support. Have doula keep in contact with you for two weeks postpartum with unlimited text, phone, and email support.
Have birth affirmations - Set up your recovery room - Massages - Aromatherapy - Music - Medical Advocacy - Cesarean Birth Planning - Normalizing Your Birth - Cesarean Birth Class - Feeding Support - Unlimited Phone and Text Support Two Weeks Postpartum
Virtual Birth Doula Support - $800
Includes the full education course in addition 24/7 audio, video and text communication available two weeks before and after the due date. Supports client at a distance to help work through labor and delivery challenges.
Pregnancy Check-Ins - Labor Education Session - Birth Planning Session - Comfort Measures Session - Postpartum Support Session - Support System Planning - 24/7 Phone and Video Support for Labor - Birth Ready Check-Ins - Immediate Postpartum Virtual Support - Birth Processing Session - Birth Partner Support - Parenting Check-In - Follow Up Session
Birth Doula Support - $1100
Have the support of a doula without the full education course - best for mothers who have labored before and do not need the specifics of labor education. We will discuss your birthing plan, postpartum recovery plan, and how your birth partner can best support you. Have the support to work through labor and delivery challenges. Additionally, have unlimited phone and text support two weeks before and after birth.
Pregnancy Check-Ins - Birth Planning Session - Comfort Measures Session - Partner Support Session - Postpartum Planning Session - Cesarean Birth Planning Session - 24/7 Phone and Video Support for Labor - Birth Ready Check-Ins - Immediate Postpartum Support - Birth Processing Session - Birth Partner Support - Parenting Check-In - Follow Up Session
First-Time Birth or VBAC Birth Doula Support - $1400
Best for first time birth or first time VBAC for an all inclusive package. Feel confident in your birthing experience with the support of your doula from beginning to end. Includes the full childbirth education course and in-person birth doula support.
Pregnancy Check-Ins - Labor Education Session - Birth Planning Session - Comfort Measures Session - Partner Support Session - Postpartum Planning Session - Newborn Care Session - Preparing for Breastfeeding Session - Cesarean Birth Planning Session - Unlimited Phone and Video Support Two Weeks Before and After Birth - Birth Ready Check-Ins - Immediate Postpartum Support - Birth Processing Session - Birth Partner Support - Parenting Check-In - Follow Up Session
Your Payment Planning
Schedule payments over a course of four months.